WELCOME! WELCOME!! WELCOME!!! - SALBAS SUNRISE ENGLISH SECONDARY SCHOOL, SARAWAL-01, NAWALPARASI Articles............| Notice regarding Holidays.........| List of Prize holder students, Academic Year-2079......................| Specification Grid(Course Division) 2080 ...........|


Thought is the action or process of thinking, which is an output produced by thinking, or occurring suddenly in the mind. There are four types of thoughts.

     · Positive thoughts are value based thoughts which have no selfish intentions. 

  • Necessary thoughts are related with the day to day routine, work, profession, career etc. 
  • Negative thoughts are based on weaknesses, vices, evils, selfishness, complexities etc. 
  •  Waste thoughts are the ones in which the mind keeps brooding over the past or worrying about the unknown future.

Positive |              Negative  |           Necessary |      Waste

 Joy               Anger                 Work            Past  

Love             Stress                Career             Future

Prayerful      Egoism            Routine    

Mercy           Racism            Profession

Surrender     Laziness

Honesty         Revenge

Harmony         Carelessness

Tolerance          Criticism

Enthusiasm        Jealousy

Understanding      Attachment





Thoughts have power of Materialization:  If your thoughts are positive, positive conditions will emerge in life.  If negative, then negative conditions will emerge in life.  

Watch your thoughts – they become words;         

Watch your words – they become actions

Watch your actions – they become habits;            

Watch your habits – they become character;

Watch your character – it becomes your culture

Conclusion:  We have to give up negative and waste thoughts and focus our attention on positive and necessary thoughts, for all round well-being and progressive performance at all levels.

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